김태곤 사진
Taegon Kim
조교수 (학과장)
디지털농업, 원격탐사


2014 서울대학교 지역시스템공학 공학박사
2007 서울대학교 지역시스템공학 공학석사
2005 서울대학교 생물자원공학부 공학사


2021.09 - 현재 전북대학교 스마트팜학과 조교수
2019.12 - 2021.08 Research associate, University of Minnesota
2014.12 - 2019.12 Post-doctoral associate, University of Minnesota
2014.09 - 2014.11 서울대학교 그린바이오과학기술연구원 선임연구원

최근 연구분야

- 원격탐사와 작물모형을 활용한 주요 곡물지역 작황 추정 및 정보 제공 체계 구축
- 머신러닝(ML)을 활용한 메타모델링
- 딥러닝 기술을 활용한 작물 생육평가
- 스마트팜분야 데이터과학: EDA, 데이터 시각화
- 전과정평가기법을 활용한 온실가스배출량 추정 및 저감방안
- 미래기후자료를 이용한 미래 농업환경 평가
- 농업 가뭄 평가 및 예측


A scalable framework for quantifying field-level agricultural carbon outcomes, Earth-Science Reviews (2023)
Kaiyu Guan, Zhenong Jin, Bin Peng, Jinyun Tang, Evan H. DeLucia, Paul C. West, Chongya Jiang, Sheng Wang, Taegon Kim, Wang Zhou, Tim Griffis, Licheng Liu, Wendy H. Yang, Ziqi Qin, Qi Yang, Andrew Margenot, Emily R. Stuchiner, Vipin Kumar, Carl Bernacchi, Jonathan Coppess, Kimberly A. Novick, James Gerber, Molly Jahn, Madhu Khanna, DoKyoung Lee, Zhangliang Chen, Shang-Jen Yang
doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104462

Review: An integrated framework for understanding ecological drought and drought resistance, Science of The Total Environment (2022)
Sayed Shah JanSadiqi, Eun-Mi Hong, Won-Ho Nam, Taegon Kim

The critical benefits of snowpack insulation and snowmelt for winter wheat productivity, Nature Climate Change (2022)
Peng Zhu, Taegon Kim, Zhenong Jin, Chenxi Lin, Xuhui Wang, Philippe Ciais, Nathaniel D. Mueller, Amir Aghakouchak, Jianxi Huang, David Mulla, David Makowski

High-Resolution Environmentally Extended Input–Output Model to Assess the Greenhouse Gas Impact of Electronics in South Korea, Environmental Science & Technology (2021)
Yi Yang, Yujin Park, Timothy M. Smith, Taegon Kim, and Hung-Suck Park

Quantifying nitrogen loss hotspots and mitigation potential for individual fields in the US Corn Belt with a metamodeling approach, Environmental Research Letters (2021)
Taegon Kim, Zhenong Jin, Timothy M. Smith, Licheng Liu, Yufeng Yang, Yi Yang, Bin Peng, Kathryn Phillips, Kaiyu Guan, Luyi Hunter, Zhou Wang

Unique water scarcity footprints and water risks in US meat and ethanol supply chains identified via subnational commodity flows, Environmental Research Letters (2020)
Kate A Brauman, Andrew L. Goodkind, Taegon Kim, Rylie E. O. Pelton, Jennifer Schmitt, Timothy M. Smith

Effects of spatial scale on life cycle inventory results, Environmental Science & Technology (2019)
Yi Yang, Rylie E. O. Pelton, Taegon Kim, and Timothy M. Smith

Subnational mobility and consumption-based environmental accounting of US corn in animal protein and ethanol supply chains, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017)
Timothy M. Smith, Andrew L. Goodkind, Taegon Kim, Rylie E. O. Pelton, Kyo Suh, and Jennifer Schmitt

Design and Implementation of Reference Evapotranspiration Database for Future Climate Scenarios, Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning (2016)
Taegon Kim, Kyo Suh, Won-Ho Nam, Jemyung Lee, Syewoon Hwang, Seung-Hwan Yoo, and Soun-Ouk Hong

Numerical Solution of Second Order Linear Partial Differential Equations using Agricultural Systems Application Platform, Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (2016)
SungYong Lee, Taegon Kim, Kyo Suh, Yicheol Han, Jemyung Lee, Hojae Yi, and JeongJae Lee

Development of RESTful Web Service for Loading Data focusing on Daily Meteorological Data, Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (2014)
Taegon Kim, JeongJae Lee, Won-Ho Nam, and Kyo Suh

Environmental and Economic Implications of Bioethanol Blending for the Renewable Fuel Standard in South Korea, Transactions of the ASABE (2014)
Taegon Kim, Jimin Lee, SungYong Lee, and Kyo Suh

Development of GASS2 through Improving Inter-component Connection and Communication Modules, Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (2014)
Taegon Kim, SungYong Lee, Hojae Yi, JeongJae Lee, and Kyo Suh